Our Promise - All Coins, Promotion & Cosmetic Tokens Returned
Archlight has now been online for over 4 years. Since day 1, we have always garanteed that every dollar you spend on Archlight you will receive back in the event of a new Season! Our team will always keep this promise to every single player of Archlight. As in past Season's, points will be rolled out to ensure that the economy isn't destroyed by a dumping of Archlight Coins. At the bottom of this post you can view our standard point release schedule!
Coins Ressurected From The Dead! - Time Table
Percentage Drops:
You'll now receive a percentage of your total account holdings with each drop. Here's the breakdown:
Progression Rewards:
In addition to these percentage-based drops, you'll have the opportunity to unlock a maximum of 13,000 coins, 13 promotion tokens, and 520 heirloom points solely through progression milestones , a reminder is that once you reach a milestone, that character is gonna be saved, and only that character will be able to unlock progression coins. These milestones are reached at certain levels, both before and after awakening:
Note: To be clear, these coins and heirloom points are not added/given to your account. This only unlock coins/promotion tokens/heirloom points to be dropped if your account has it
Promotion Tokens:For every 1000 coins earned, you'll receive 1 promotion token. If your coin drops don't precisely reach 1000, the remainder will be saved for future drops. For example, if you have 15600 coins in your account, you'll get 10% of it on launch day (1560 coins) and 1 promotion token. The remaining 560 coins will accumulate until they reach 1000 for the next promotion token.
You can ascertain when your next drop is and how/when drops will be distributed or given to your character using the !drops and !points commands

Heirloom Points For Last Seasons Progress!
Accounts receive Heirloom Points based on their strongest character on their account. For every Achievement Point, you will receive 1 Heirloom Point. As well, you will receive additional Heirloom Points based on your characters Awakening Level & Total Power.
Heirloom Points from previous seasons progression can be calculated as followed:
Awakening Levels
When a season ends, you will receive all of those heirloom points immediatly on Launch for the next season, aswell, half the heirloom points earned will be added to your heirloom points total, these are also received every new season! So even multiple seasons later, you are benefitting more and more for your past progress on Archlight! While new players enjoy new seasons, you will always grow stronger from past play despite a fresh start!
And lastly, Make sure you link your European & American Server Accounts by logging into one of the accounts and "Linking" it with the other! Not only will you get to use cross-server limited edition cosmetics on both accounts but you will also benefit from Heirloom Points on both accounts/servers!